

"Send Me To Pittsburgh!' A campaign.

Goal Achieved! Any donations from here on out will be used for an increased giveaway.

"For less than a beer at the game you can send me to Pittsburgh!

So I've starting a campaign that I'm hoping the faithful readers and twitter followers will contribute to. I'm looking to raise $150 to get to Pittsburgh from Raleigh, which will cover my round-trip flight. You're welcome to donate more if you so desire, but all I ask is if you can spare 5 bucks. This will get me to Pittsburgh and allow me to make the coveted NHLTweet-Up Round 2 scheduled for May 9th outside Mellon Arena. Woo Hoo!

What's in it for you? Well, two things. First, you're likely get the pleasure of meeting me at the Tweet-Up, assuming you're going. Okay, that's not that exciting, moving on... I'll be having a drawing for the sponsors to win your choice of a Penguins T-Shirt from Shop.NHL.com up $25 bucks. I know its not much, but... If I do exceed the $150 mark I'll be sure to add that amount to the giveaway, so it could be much better.

Hope to see you all soon!

Thanks to those who've donated so far.
(let me know if you'd rather remain anonymous)

1. Ryan Lenocker
2. Aliza Balcer
3. Jason Romano
4. Tyler McKinna
5. Cara Friez
6. Jennifer Hardina
7. Brian Mills
8. Mario Lacaffinie
9. Matthew Archibald
10. Beej Doran
11. Robert Kleamovich
12. Jonathan Wrhen
13. Sean Pawlowski
14. Amanda Mundy
15. Amanda Fortier
16. Neena Kumar
17. Sara Vital
18. Robin Murena
19. Sarah Connors
20. Linda Peacock
21. Scott Townsend
22. Jeff Cariani


Deberito said...

Where are you coming from?

Damian Romano said...

Raleigh, NC.

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