For the last several years I have maintained a subscription for Sirius Satellite radio so I can simply listen to ESPN radio without static. We all know ESPN's hockey coverage about as good as the Pittsburgh Pirates chance of winning this year. Anyway, this afteroon while driving around town I heard Erik Kuselias do a mock top 10 list of reasons Crosby stood up Letterman. First off, your about a week old on that one, Yahoo's Puck Daddy beat you to that. Secondly, I am surprised you know hockey exists. Erik hosts Fantasy Football Now Internet Show and is a fill in for ESPNRadio's regular line up. After I hear Erik's list of crap, I then start to look around online and read more and more people getting on Crosby's case for not doing Letterman.
The argument for these people is that Crosby should continue to promote the NHL while hockey is so popular in the US coming off the Olympics. Since Sid is the face of the NHL he should be made to do the appearance and should do so willingly. One of the articles I found is from the New York Post, author Larry Brooks titles his article "Crosby blows NHL's golden chance". Mr. Brooks gives no facts in the artilcle. He also doesn't understand why I got to read his article for free online and why he will probably be out of a job soon. My response to everyone with Mr. Brooks's opinion; WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Get over it, Sid has bigger fish to fry.
Apparently many of the Penguins themselves share my opinion. Pens foward Max Talbot told WTAE in Pittsburgh, "I read what they wrote about him and I think that's (expletive)". I couldn't have said it any better Max. General Manager Ray Shero gave these thoughts to USA Today. "There is no one in the history of the game, (not even
Personally, just as Shero said, Sid does more for hockey then does the NHL. The guy scored the biggest goal probably in his career but it was for his country not the
AHL Power Rankings – Week 19
12 hours ago