

Drawing Our Captain

A few months back I was contacted by the owner of SidneyCrosby-87.com, Jan. She wanted to share the work she had recently been doing, drawing pictures of Sid by hand; which she even started a [work in progress] website for. I was really intrigued when she reached out and showed me some samples, its excellent work. But to be honest I completely forgot about it with all the planning we've been doing for the new version of the PensU site. After going through some older emails the other night I was glad to find it again and share it with our readers.

While I realize there are other blogs who have highly talented exclusive artists of their own who do solid work, Jan is definitely worth checking out. I don't know about you, but I want to see more of these. She'd like your feedback too, so feel free to contact her.

Just have a look at some of these...good stuff.

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