

Hockey Intelligence

Every so often you stumble upon a website which you feel has some great potential. Maybe at one time you accidentally found Pens Universe and had that sentiment. In any case, I can say that after receiving an email from these folks, I indeed felt that way.

Maybe you're not into data and statistics the way I am, but you simply have to appreciate what Hockey Intelligence is all about. While I realize they are more of a solution base organization, but for statistical geeks like me infused with a coaches heart, stuff like this provides me with hours of entertainment. Wouldn't he surprised if I saw NHL GM's and coaches using data like this to make personnel decisions.

Hockey Intelligence is a Canadian incorporated consulting practice and solution provider specializing in helping organizations optimize their investments through deployment of data, analytical techniques, and advanced enterprise decision support systems.

Incidentally their reason for reaching out had to do with our collaboration with Matt Cooke. Reason being, #24 just happened to be their sample profile. Below is just a taste of their sample profile they put together for Cooke. You'll have to visit their site to see the whole thing. I'm looking forward to collaborating with these folks on some future potential projects.

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