

Surveying the Carnage

I had a good time in Versus chat last night with the Fromthepoint.com fellows. We were joined by Adrian Dater and several other respectable fellows. The updates came fast and furious from the Wings/Sharks match-up. In respect, the Pens lost last night and moving forward that is the past....and we aren't going back...

Now let's take a look around and see what else is going on today:

- Well, Habs fans have gotten into the Ref's Kool-Aid, Proof is in the comments here. With more sharing the proverbial drink here

- I don't know but if a team has been called for diving 3 times in a game.....something about stones in glass houses.

- A huge find for the Pensblog Staff, apparently someone is looking a few rounds ahead of themselves.

- The Red Wings are not going to submit quietly: Franzen!

- Need something to pass the time until Game 5

- The Bruins can close it out tonight against the Flyers: Sweep?

- Blackhawks can get a chokehold on the Canucks


Pull up your pants and get ready for Game 5.....

You know who can beat the trap?

Lando Calrissian, that's who!

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